Citizens Advisory Committee

This bond proposal was developed by a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) whose charge was to study growth, facility and equipment needs, as well as student programs in the district, and make a recommendation to the GISD Board. The nearly 80-member committee was made up of a diverse group of parents, staff, community leaders, and residents both new to Georgetown and those who have lived in the district for decades. Every GISD campus was represented on the CAC.

The committee studied current enrollment, school capacities and demographic projections; learned about the state’s school funding process and district financial data; visited campuses, evaluated future facility needs and reviewed results of a community survey of proposed projects. Following months of review, discussion and consideration, the committee presented its recommendations to the GISD Board on February 5.

Based on the recommendations from the advisory committee, the GISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved an order to call for a $649,510,000 bond election that will go before voters on May 4, 2024. The bond proposal is made up of four propositions in compliance with state law that requires certain projects to be listed separately on the ballot.  

If approved by voters, the tax impact from this bond proposal could range from zero cents to 1 cent per $100 valuation, depending on the timing of the sale of bonds.